Matthew Tate

Classification: Warlock

Status: Alive (but cursed into a locket in 1692 and again in 1998)

Known Powers: currently: Power Mimicry & Blinking; formerly: Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilization, & Premonition

Appearances: S1: The Witch is Back

Family: unknown

Bio: Matthew Tate is a warlock who possesses the ability to copy powers once they've been used on him. He also possesses the ability to teleport simply by blinking, an ability he is assumed to have copied from an unknown witch. In 1692, he became the lover of witch Melinda Warren so that he could copy her powers as well. He tricked her into showing him her powers, copied them, and then betrayed her, outing her as a witch in Salem, Massachusetts. She was burned at the stake, but not before she'd stripped him of the powers he'd copied from her and cursed him into a locket he'd given her, making it so that only she or someone from her line could release him. In 1998, one of Melinda's descendants, Prue Halliwell, did just that, opening the locket and inadvertently freeing him. He proceeded to copy her power, as well as that of her two sisters Piper and Phoebe, prompting them to summon Melinda, who then helped the sisters curse him back into the locket.

Played By: Billy Wirth