Billy Waters

Classification: Human

Status: Deceased (killed by the Wendigo in 1999)

Appearances: S1: The Wendigo

Family: late fiancée, Laura

Bio: Billy Waters was a man whose fiancée, Laura, was killed by a Wendigo in late 1998 at Lake Michigan. Since then, he'd tracked the creature all around the country, meeting FBI Agent Ashley Fallon along the way. A couple of months after Laura was attacked, he and Agent Fallon each managed to track the Wendigo to San Francisco, where Billy had saved Piper Halliwell from the creature. After doing some digging, Piper informed him that the Wendigo looked human during the day, and he went to pass the information along to Agent Fallon. However, when he went to light a cigarette in front of Agent Fallon, she cowered from the lighter's flame, fire being a Wendigo's one known weakness. He instantly realized her true nature, but before he could tell Piper and her sisters, Agent Fallon snapped his neck, killing him. She was later vanquished by Piper and her sister using a road flare.

Played By: Billy Jayne