Tony Wong

Classification: Human

Status: Deceased (killed in a police shootout in 1998)

Known Powers: (as a spirit) Intangibility

Appearances: S1: Dead Man Dating

Family: unknown

Bio: Tony Wong was a high-level gangster in the Chinese Triad. He decided to fake his own death to elude authorities, killing Mark Chao for the fact that he and Tony were similiar in appearance and then burning the body. Mark's spirit then sought help from the Charmed Ones to prove Tony was in fact alive and thereby helping Mark receive a proper burial before he was taken to Hell by Yama. Piper Halliwell managed to sneak into the warehouse where he conducted business, and snapped a picture of him holding that day's newspaper, leaving it for Inspector Andy Trudeau to find. Finding out where Piper lived, Tony had his goons abduct her, as Mark was forced to watch helplessly. Police soon showed up at his warehouse, and he wound up killed in a shootout, his spirit being taken to Hell by Yama in Mark's place.

Played By: Joe Ho